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On-line Games

rne 2.2-3 adding and subtracting integers   game-  temperature math

rne2.2-5 solving for integers game- negative and positive speed math

rne2.7 order of operations  game- High Stakes Heist

rne2.7 order of operations  game- Royal Rescue

rne2.7 order of operations  game- PEMDAS Blaster

rne2.7 order of operations  game- millionaire game

rne3.1 rounding to estimate sums  game- estimate sums pacman

rne3.1 rounding to estimate sums  game- estimate differences pacman

rne3.5 multiplying fractions  game- multiplying fractions

rne4.2 solve one step equations  game- one step equation basketball

rne4.2 solve one step equations  game- one step equation soccer

rne 4.3 solve 2 step equations   game- 2 step equation basketball

rne 4.4 use the distributive property to simplify expressions  game- distributive property

rne4.6 simplifying and solving equations  game- simplify the expression

rne4.6 simplifying and solving equations  game - jeopardy

pp1.1 measurement  game - metric length

pp1.1 measurement  game - metric system

pp1.1 measurement  game - customary system, best match

pp1.2 convert fractions to decimals and the reverse   game - convert fraction to decimal

pp1.3 learn the three types of ratios   game - ratio blaster

pp1.4 learn how to figure unit rates  game -  unit rate

pp2.1 proportions  game - proportion game

pp3.2 solving percents using proportions  game - How much to tip

pp3.2 solving percents using proportions  game - find the percentage

pp3.2 solving percents using proportions  game - percent matching

pp3.4 percent of change  game - percent discount 

pp5.1 the coordinate plane  game - graphing points

pp5.2 the coordinate plane  game  - the coordinate plane

pp5.3 the coordinate plane game - geopardy

sa 1.1 estimating angles - age of angles

sa 1.2 classifying angles - jeopardy angles

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